
RFF will be trainer at the CEJ Course for Judges of the Tax Courts at the Faculty of Law of Lisbon (IDEFF)

07 February 2019
RFF will be trainer at the CEJ Course for Judges of the Tax Courts at the Faculty of Law of Lisbon (IDEFF)

RFF will be trainer at the CEJ Course for Judges of the Tax Courts at the Faculty of Law of Lisbon (IDEFF)

07 February 2019

Rogério M. Fernandes Ferreira is the guest lecturer of II Intensive Course about Administrative and Tax Procedure and Proceedings, organized by IDEFF at the Lisbon Law School, being responsible for the curricular unit of Tax Procedure I.

This Course has a duration of 56h and is composed by two modules: Administrative Procedure and Proceedings and Tax Procedure and Proceedings and is primarily intended for candidates for judges in the Competition for Admission to the CEJ and also for lawyers, judges, students or other professionals in the Justice sector with particular interest in the areas of Tax Law and Administrative Law.
